Thursday, November 02, 2006

My First T rip to Oregon

Greetings, Readers!

I'm writing to you today from the lovely green state of Oregon. It's pretty sweet out here! I'm here helping my grandmom recover from some "surgery." I don't really know what it's all about, but I do know that it is soooo fun being out here with my crazy lady (Grandmom) and my Hickory Dickory Dock, Grandpops.

Here's me and Granpops, just hanging out.

This fellow is my "Papa," he's actually my GREAT grandpops. He's fun, he gets on the floor on my level!
This is my new move, the inchworm. Mom calls it crawling. All I know is that I can move around the room, which is a pretty good trick, if I do say so myself.
Mom is SO embarrassing sometimes!
Whatever you do, DON'T call it a nightgown! Clearly I'm wearing pajamas.
Mama and I helped Grandmom change her sheets (before her surgery, of course!)

I made sure there was plenty of drool to go around.
What do you mean drool doesn't belong on sheets?!?

Here's mama carrying me around in the Ergo carrier. It's pretty cool, and mama loves it. Grandmom even wore me around in it the other day!Mama took me to visit some of her crazy friends. That's Aunt Nica and her doggy, Roxy, Uncle Joe and of course, me and Mama.

I'm making eyes at Grandmom here.

Car rides make me sleepy sometimes.Other times they make me hungry!
Well, that's all for now, folks! I'll be sure to keep you apprised of any new discoveries I make out here in the Pacific Northwest.

Until next time, I remain your humble adorable baby,
Silas T. Hickox

1 comment:

Babywearing Sales & Consulting said...

You must be the first kid on the block to be in the new black/green Ergo! I didn't even recognize it as an Ergo at first!